




精心制作中  制作展示





PengYang paper-weaving pictures-Precious Collection
Time-honored traditional craft:
originated from Tang Dynasty,paper-twined pictur is a unique traditional folk handicrafts and it has enjoyde a history of over 1300 years .Due to difficult weaving,it was once at the verge of disappearing,In the history,it was, along with silk-weaved picture of Hongzhou,embroidery in Suzhou, as well as bamboo  curtain picture of Sichuan,known as "The Fork Embroideries of China".
Rare precious collection : In the past ,paper-weaving pictures were tributees and aristocratic collwctions.Apaper-weaving picture "Dongfang shuo" was once found in the home of Yan Song in Ming Dynasty;  now,the beijing Palace Museum Qiasnling and paper-weaving picturesog modern times.
Hazy painting effects:paper-weaving pictures,hazy handicraft pictues,integrate paintings and weaving, as if covered with a layer of silk gauze,like"cross-stitch",warp thresds crossing wefts,dimly visible.
Appealing artistic charm:paper-weaving pictures leave people with an impression of misty vision,as if enjoying the beautiful moon witha curtain, appreciating flowers in a fog ,looking at people before gauze, arousing people'' s free imagination,bringing them complete freedom of heart and ease of spirit, as if entering the fairyland.
Miraculously manual weave:to make paper-weaving pictures,superb Chinese paintings are selected. After mounting these paintings,cut them into paper threads of 1.2mm as warp threads, then use white paper threads of the same specitication as woofs,weaving them one by one.
The standard design of mounting:hanging in spacious meeting places, in bustling public houses, in sumptuous hotels,decorating the original dining rooms,tranquil studies,or warm bedrooms.
Fashionable gifts: paper-weaving pictures are ekegant and fashionable gifts to friends and relatives for congratulations of birthdays,weddings, new homes or promotions,starting a new business,and so forth, They are also rare and favorite souvenirs for tourists.

中国114黄页 生意通白银店铺